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How to Use the Data You Have to Maximize Impact for Programmatic Display and Beyond

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March 9, 2023
January 9, 2024

Explore ways you can utilize the data you have for hyper-targeted advertising.

As the advertising world becomes increasingly data-driven, there are a multitude of data sources you can use to tailor your ad targeting, including zip code data, audience data, and more. One effective data source for targeting supported by emerging technology is your own first-party data. Below are several ways to utilize the data you have to maximize the impact of your advertising.

Analyze key zip codes: Download your sales data and filter your revenue by zip code to filter out the places that you draw the most customers from. For example, a minor league baseball team may find that they draw from specific zip codes that are further from there stadium if there are fewer entertainment options locally, but a team in a larger metro area may find zip codes closest to the stadium are higher performing. Once you’ve analyzed your zip codes, you can adjust your budget accordingly and increase spend in higher performing zip codes. In Awarity Campaign Central, our recent reporting platform updates allow you to view clicks, impressions, and conversions by zip code which can help monitor the impact of your zip code targeting and provide insights to use across your other marketing channels.

Target your customer database: You likely already utilize your past and current customer contact information to send promotional emails or newsletters, but this level of targeting can go beyond email. If you have a database of phone numbers and email addresses, you can creative custom audiences on Facebook and LinkedIn to reach those people. Similarly, Awarity can utilize this same technology for programmatic display and match your contacts' devices based on email and phone numbers to serve them ads and keep them engaged. This is a highly effective way to re-engage past customers or leads who already know your brand.

Segment your customer database: While you can target your database with one message, customer database targeting can be taken to another level with segmentation. For example, you could segment customers based on the products they previously purchased and deliver creative tailored to each segment or deliver custom promotional messaging to sales prospects.

These are just a few of the ways you can make smart usage of your sales data and customer database to ensure your ad spend goes further. At Awarity, our customer database targeting through Awarity CRM Connect makes your media even more targeted and is an efficient way to retain and re-engage your contacts.

About the Author

I've long believed that numbers and data are the key to solving almost any problem imaginable. Whether it's at the workplace trying to hone our latest machine learning algorithm or observing from afar how data analytics has revolutionized spaces like tech, finance, and sports, one thing is clear: the impact data and statistics has our world cannot be overstated. At Awarity, data is at the forefront of our innovation and utilized to achieve groundbreaking results for our clients across the globe.

We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of your marketing strategy, and are here to offer guidance. If you have questions on anything we’ve shared, let’s chat. We'd love to help build awareness for your brand.