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Get the Most Out of Awarity's Creative Manager for Programmatic Display

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December 14, 2023
March 29, 2024

Experience full creative control in Awarity Campaign Central.

At Awarity, our goal is to make your advertising experience as simple as possible. With our newly improved design and enhanced creative features in Awarity Campaign Central, you now have complete control over managing your ad campaigns with the ability to quickly upload your own creative, schedule run dates, and make updates and adjustments instantly. Here are some use cases on how Awarity’s Creative Manager can give you full creative flexibility:  


Easily swap out your ads to update player photos and update ad messaging for every game to highlight game day promotions, game day locations, game dates and times, and game day competitors. For example, your baseball team can run ads for Dollar Hot Dog Wednesdays, Thirsty Thursdays, Friday Fireworks, and Kids Day on Sundays. And your basketball team can quickly swap out ads with new player photos, because those players are no longer on the team.

Holiday Seasons:

As the seasons change, so should your creative. With the new creative features in Awarity Campaign Central, it’s easy to stay on top of your campaigns during the busiest and most active time for shoppers. Easily update your holiday ad messaging to feature holiday sales and deals, new products, and seasonal promotions and events. For example, a coffee shop can promote their new seasonal coffee flavors, or a retail store can promote their Black Friday deals.

Weather Conditions:

If your business’s success relies on the weather, Awarity’s Creative Manager makes it easy to quickly change out your creativity based on weather conditions. For example, a roofing company may need to update ad messaging after a huge storm to target people in need of a new roof, a home services company can target homes that need their AC fixed during the summer, or a bakery can advertise ice cream flavors on a hot day.

Product Availability:

As new products come and go, so should your creative. For example, a tech company can swap out old product images that have gone out-of-stock, or a retail store can change their creative to advertise limited-time offers, flash sales, and new products coming soon.

Daily and/or Weekly Specials:

If your business needs daily and/or weekly updates, you can day part your creative. For example, a restaurant can promote food and drink specials, happy hours, kids eat free days, and taco Tuesdays, or a cookie company can promote their new flavors each week.

Explore the new features in Awarity Campaign Central and experience full creative control. Request a demo for more information and guidance.

About the Author

At Awarity, our mission is to democratize advertising and make building awareness affordable for businesses of all sizes. Explore new features in Awarity Campaign Central and experience full creative control. Request a demo for more information and guidance.

We are always available to discuss your advertising needs. If you have questions on anything we’ve shared, let’s chat! We'd love to help grow your brand.