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How B2B Brands Can Stay in Front of Sales Leads With OTT Advertising

Minute Read
May 24, 2024
May 31, 2024

OTT Advertising and it's premium subset, Connected TV, allows B2B businesses to efficiently target decision makers.

OTT Advertising has grown rapidly as consumers have cut the cord, but it’s often most frequently considered a B2C tactic, associated with consumer brands and entertainment content. OTT Advertising and its premium subset, Connected TV are now gaining traction in the B2B space where they can make an impact with potential sales prospects.

OTT refers to the delivery of media content via the internet on a variety of devices, bypassing traditional cable or satellite television providers. At Awarity, we focus on the premium subset of OTT Advertising,Connected TV, delivering targeted commercials only to TV devices. For B2B companies, this opens opportunities to reach relevant business decision-makers in their target industries with precision and impact.

1. Hyper-Target Decision Makers - One of the most significant advantages of OTT advertising is its advanced targeting capabilities. Unlike traditional TV ads that cast a wide net, targeting onConnected TV allows B2B marketers to home in on specific demographics, industries, and viewing behaviors. Importantly for B2B marketers, you can target based on job title, such as business owners, general managers, marketing decision makers, and more, ensuring you’re reaching the right people.

2. Increase Engagement and Awareness - Connected TV viewers tend to be more engaged compared to traditional TV audiences. They're actively choosing content and often watch with fewer distractions. This heightened level of engagement translates to increased brand awareness and a greater chance for your message to resonate.

3. Measurable Results -  Connected TV provides detailed analytics and reporting, enabling B2B marketers to track the performance of their campaigns with precision. Metrics such as impressions, completion rates offer valuable insights into how well your ads are performing and where adjustments may be needed.

4. Cost Efficiency - While traditional TV advertising can be prohibitively expensive, Connected TV offers a more cost-effective solution. Connected TV allows B2B companies that serve highly specific audiences to reach their ideal sales prospects, maximizing their marketing spend.

OTT advertising presents a unique and powerful opportunity for B2B companies to connect with their target audience and make an impact at any stage in the sales journey. At Awarity, we can help you craft a targeted Connected TV campaign to reach key decision makers in industries you serve and stay in front of sales prospects.

Meet the Author

At Awarity, our mission is to democratize advertising and make building awareness affordable for businesses of all sizes. With Awarity’s advanced advertising automation, you can run targeted Connected TV campaigns designed to reach decision makers and make an impact with potential sales prospects.

We are always available to discuss your advertising needs. If you have questions on anything we’ve shared, let’s chat! We'd love to help grow your brand.