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Track Your Impact Beyond the Initial Ad

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March 7, 2024
March 29, 2024

Over 98% of conversions result from impressions rather than clicks. Measure brand awareness and recall with indirect website traffic.

Indirect website traffic is a key metric we utilize to optimize campaigns and ensure you’re reaching the right audience. Over 98% of conversions result from impressions rather than clicks, making this metric a valuable insight to measure how you’re building awareness with your campaign.

How it Works:

  1. Initial Impression – A potential customer is served a Banner ad or Connected TV commercial.
  2. No Click-Through – While they may not click the initial ad, they remember your brand, product, or message.
  3. Indirect Website Visit – When a need occurs, they visit your website organically. At Awarity, we track this within your campaign dashboard as Indirect Website Traffic.

When it comes to measuring awareness campaigns, clicks don’t tell the whole story of your customers' journey. Few people click Banner ads and act immediately, but the awareness banner ads build ensures they’ll remember you when they’re ready to act. Here are a few of the benefits to tracking your awareness with indirect website traffic as a KPI:

Understanding Your Audience – Indirect website traffic helps you understand your audience’s customer journey to tailor your marketing strategies. Tracking indirect website visits shows how well customers are recalling your brand.

Enhanced User Engagement – By analyzing the indirect traffic sources, you can identify what messaging resonates with your audience and contributes to your brand awareness. In Awarity Campaign Central, you can track which creatives are generating indirect traffic to understand what’s contributing to your increased awareness and website traffic.

Boost Brand Awareness – Indirect website traffic reveals the diverse channels through which potential customers discover and engage with your brand.

At Awarity, our we optimize our campaigns to build awareness and generate website traffic that ultimately contributes to revenue conversions. If you’d like to learn more about how our campaigns build awareness and how you can track indirect website traffic in Awarity Campaign Central, request a demo to learn more.

About the Author

At Awarity, our mission is to democratize advertising and make building awareness affordable for businesses of all sizes. We generate demand and optimize our campaigns to help you stay top of mind for when your target customer is ready to act.

We are always available to discuss your marketing needs. If you have questions on anything we’ve shared, let’s chat! We'd love to help grow your brand.