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How to Advertise on Netflix

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April 4th, 2022
September 12, 2024

Hint: You can’t! However, you can reach streaming TV viewers on similar services with audience-first targeting.

The parallel rise of streaming video and Netflix have made it impossible to think of one without the other. With the uncanny ability of Netflix to learn user behavior and create suggested content and playlists, it is only natural that marketers would want to tap that power to reach specific consumers. Yet, much to the chagrin of many brands and advertisers, there is currently no way to advertise on Netflix. However, advertisers can reach many of those same users through programmatic Connected TV advertising.

With millions of users switching over to a host of both paid and free streaming services, there are ample opportunities for targeted advertising. It is very likely that if a consumer has a Netflix subscription, they have other streaming accounts as well, many of which offer advertising space. Services like Hulu, Pluto, Roku, and others allow advertisers to directly reach their target consumer. With Connected TV from Awarity, you can use audience-first targeting helps pinpoint your target customer and reach them across numerous streaming services and programs. Just like a personalized Netflix library, these users can be reached based on demographics, geography, likes and interests, and other behaviors. Since the targeting is user-based, there is less reliance on trying to match programming with the brand. For example, if a sports fan is watching a cooking show, they can still be served an ad for a sporting event. If a brand wants to reach moms with small children, they can reach those mothers if they are watching programming that may have nothing todo with family or household matters. The end result for advertisers is that they are able to avoid the clutter and wasted impressions of other traditional advertising mediums and still hit the desired consumers.

The key for advertisers to understand is that while they cannot advertise on Netflix, they can take a Netflix-like approach to reaching consumers on multiple Connected TV platforms. The current streaming landscape allows brands to specifically target their consumer profiles and reach the audience that matters most when they are most engaged. With Connected TV from Awarity, it's easy to narrow in on your target audience and focus on likely customers, making TV advertising more cost effective than ever before. We compound upon this capability by making sure your audiences is as engaged with your ads for as long as possible through non-skippable ad placement. To learn more about advertising on Connected TV with Awarity, visit our Connected TV page and see how we make TV advertising more cost-effective than ever before.

About the Author

At Awarity, we take pride in helping our clients maximize exposure for their business and utilize digital advertising's capabilities to maximize their exposure.

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