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Awarity Client Services

Pick Your Audience, And We'll Reach Them

With Targeted Awareness Advertising

Rethink what digital marketing can mean for your business, by using your email and contact lists to deliver cots effective, targted banner ads to you unique audience.
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Do More With Your Digital Marketing

Focusing on just digital marketing channel can only help your business grow so much. While email advertising can be quite cost effective, trying to reach new target customers through purchased contact list doesn't always bring in solid leads. Banner Ads offer a solution to reach your unique audience anytime they're online with intelligent targeting.

Evolve Your Email Marketing With CRM Connect Targeting

Email marketing is a great way to reach your potential customers, but many valuable leads can be lost from unsubscribes and spam filters. Awarity CRM Connect puts your customer database to work by delivering targeted ads to you contact's devices. This serves as an additional point of contact along with any email advertising you are currently running. Furthermore, you can continue to reach clients who have declined email sends.
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Expand Your Online Marketing

Every online marketing channel has its own benefits and can be effective in their own right. However, adding demand generation advertising to your marketing mix can exponentially increase your success across all platforms; working to boost your lead generation efforts.

Fully managed campaigns

Media costs included

Custom-built HTML5 Animated Creative

Ongoing campaign optimization

Awarity Campaign Central access

100,000+ targeted impressions/mo. avg.

It's never been easier to build awareness and grow your brand.
Start a Connected TV campaign in minutes, request a demo of Campaign Central, or contact us with questions.
It's never been easier to build awareness and grow your brand. Start a campaign in minutes, or contact us with questions.
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